Saturday, 1 June 2013

Best Caring for Gold Jewelry. reviews

Gold jewelry is made with a technique and way less true in the mixing levels will make easy gold jewelry dull, discolored and sometimes black, easily scratched and damaged easily. Genesis is scratched and dented gold jewelry wearer negligence, and if this is the case, then the solution be careful in wearing gold jewelry.

How to care for Gold Jewelry:

  • Clean your gold jewelry as often as possible. Use a cloth and abrasive materials such as autosol which are sold in supermarkets or often at a motorcycle repair shop. Wipe using a soft and nice of former cotton shirt or cotton that has been frequently washed. Cotton can also be rather difficult, but rubbed.

  • Store in cloth bag before entering the cabinet or leather bag. If there is silica gel which is easily available in supermarkets are also very good. Another place that is safe is a box of paper, plastic and metal.

  • If you have gold or silver too scratch and you do not mind a little shrinkage (same goldsmith was serviced to shrinkage) use sandpaper no. 1000 when it's fine to use fine sandpaper No. 2000 to be an occasional dip in the water. If it is soft enough to wear alone autosol had made ??cling again. If not cling amplasan means less. This is called polishing. This method could not be performed for items that plated because plating layer lost cause.

  • Opaque gem. Actually opaque gems can also be scrubbed with the above, but take longer depending on the level and type of pearl buramnya. If diamonds do not try because of this jewel in the world's harshest. Very special, so expensive. Actually, in ways similar to sublimate gem polishing process is metallic items or sandpaper and rub like the above.
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| Saturday, 1 June 2013 | 0 comments


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